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Specification for REPORTS (GENERAL)
The European Regulations and UK CAA’s Guidance Material for fitness decision, acceptable treatments and required
investigations (if specified) can be found in the medical section of the CAA website ( For many
conditions, there are also flow charts available for guidance on the assessment process.
The following subheadings are for guidance purposes only and should not be taken as an exhaustive list.
1. Diagnoses
2. History
Presenting symptoms
Nature of condition, circumstances surrounding onset, precipitating factors
Other relevant medical history
3. Examination and Investigation findings
Clinical findings
Impairment or loss of function
4. Investigation findings
Blood test results (U&E, LFT incl GGT, TFT, FBC)
Radiology imaging reports (e.g. X-Ray, Ultrasound, CT, MRI)
Histology reports
Other procedures and investigation reports
5. Treatment
Recent past and ongoing treatment must be detailed
Current and recent past medications (dose, frequency, start and finish dates)
Confirmation no side effects from medication
Surgical reports
6. Follow up and further investigations/referrals planned or recommended
Anticipated follow up/frequency of clinical reviews and investigations
Prognosis and risk of recurrence
Confirmation of full recovery or remission on maintenance dose of acceptable medication and well
controlled at date of report
7. Clinical Implications
Any concerns regarding disease progression, treatment compliance or risk of sudden incapacity
UK CAA Guidance - Reports General
1 of 1
January 2013 v1.1

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