(Everyone will want this! Leader: Please copy & distribute)
You will be carrying all items for your trip on your back. Therefore, it is necessary to be properly prepared to handle any circumstances you may
encounter. Because weight and space limit what you can carry, a few items must be sufficient for a broad range of situations. The following list covers
items we feel you will need. Note that weather in early and mid-June is, on average, going to be more extreme than weather in late July and August. Snow
is a definite possibility for those coming early in the summer!!! THIS LIST IS VERY IMPORTANT. YOU WILL BE DEPENDENT ON WHAT
_____ Wool or fleece/pile jacket or sweater
_____ Raincoat - completely waterproof; small ponchos you buy at Wal-Mart are not adequate
_____ Long underwear top (non-cotton)
_____ T-shirts (2 – preferably non-cotton)
_____ Long sleeved shirt (preferably synthetic material like polyester or polypropylene)
_____ Long underwear bottom (non-cotton)
_____ Long pants (2 pairs in May and June—1 insulating layer and 1 wind/rain layer like nylon or Gortex. Only wind/rain layer needed for July & August)
_____ Shorts (1 pair)
_____ Underwear (2 pairs)
_____ Liner socks (2 pairs of thin polypro or polyester)
_____ Wool socks (2 pairs – 1 for hiking, 1 for camp in backcountry at night)
_____ Hiking boots (most tennis shoes will NOT work—make sure these are broken in prior to your trip)
_____ Old tennis shoes or sandals (to put on at camp after a day of hiking; they can also be used for your rafting trip, as long as they have straps that
will keep them secure… you cannot wear shoes like Crocs on the river)
_____ Wool/fleece stocking hat
_____ Wool/fleece gloves or mittens (a thin pair will usually suffice, unless your trip is in May or early June)
Gaiters (optional)
_____ Bandanna (optional)
_____ Baseball cap or visor (optional)
_____ Sleeping bag (20° or warmer is a must) – Sleeping bags can be rented at Noah’s for $7 / person / night – reservations for these is required
_____ Insulating pad (Closed cell foam like Ridgerest or Therma-rest. We can provide this if needed.)
_____ Cup and spoon; (16-20 oz. is sufficient, insulated plastic mugs with lid and handle sold at gas stations or Wal-Mart work well)
_____ Sunglasses
_____ Headlamp or flashlight w/ fresh batteries
_____ Small notebook and pen
_____ Camera (optional)
_____ Large, heavy duty trash bags (3)
_____ SUNSCREEN: waterproof, SPF 30 or higher (2-4 can share)
_____ Water bottles (2 - one-quart Nalgene bottles are best; we can provide them but it is nice to bring your own; we also have them to purchase in
our lodge)
Camp chair (optional) This should be lightweight and packable like a Crazy Creek. You can rent a Crazy Creek for $10 at our Lodge.
Duct tape (optional, 1 roll for the group ought to do)
_____ Toiletries, including towel (for shower at Noah’s − no soap, shampoo, perfume, cologne, deodorant, etc. on the trail! 2-3 can share
toothpaste on trail)
_____ Glasses or contacts (if needed)
Hand sanitizer (small bottle)
_____ 3 Zip-loc bags (1 large for notebook, 2 any size for miscellaneous use)
_____ Lip balm with sunscreen
_____ Any necessary medication (Please note this on your Release Form and your Health History/Consent Form.)
_____ Moleskin for blisters
_____ Insect repellent – (2-3 can share)
_____ ___________________________________
_____ ___________________________________
_____ ___________________________________
We will provide all other equipment you may need; however, if you would like to use your own backpack, water bottle, etc., please feel free to bring it.
Know, however, that our guides will want to examine your gear to make sure it is suitable for the trip. Our guides will reserve the right to strongly
discourage certain gear (inadequate or unnecessary) from being taken on the trail. Try to refrain from bringing a lot of extra gear. Remember, you will be
carrying all of it!
Group leaders will be held financially responsible for any lost or damaged Noah’s Ark equipment used on their trip. Replacement costs are as follows:
sleeping bag: $100; backpack: $50; mat: $10; water bottle: $5; whistle: $3; pack cover: $15; cooking pot: $20; stove: $40; tents: $150.
Group Leader: You can fill in these blanks with
anything specific you want your group to bring along, i.e.
small Bible, lesson materials, other books, etc.