2014 Church Conference Agenda
(Name of Church/Charge)
I. Call to Order and Selection of a Recording Secretary—Rev. Dulworth
II. Opening Hymn—O God, Our Help in Ages Past UMH 117 or Pastor’s choice
III. Devotions and Opening Prayer—Lay Servant or Lay Leader
IV. Celebration of Ministry
A. Action Items
1. Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development
2. Staff/Pastor Parish Relations
a. Pastoral Compensation Recommendation
b. Recommendation of Lay Speakers (if applicable)
c. Recommendation of Candidates for Ministry (if applicable)
3. Membership
a. Written Report—to be received
b. Review of Inactive Lists
i. 1
Year-to be read
ii. 2
Year-to be read & removed by church conference action
B. Written Reports-to be received; for information purposes. Please do not plan on
presentations of these reports.
1. Pastor
2. Other Staff (if applicable)
3. Administrative Board/Council and/or Lay Leader
4. Finance (Finance Chair, Treasurer, and/or Financial Secretary)
5. Trustees
6. United Methodist Women
7. United Methodist Men
8. United Methodist Youth Fellowship
9. Missions
10.Other Reports
V. Remarks from the District Superintendent—Rev. Dulworth
VI. Closing Hymn—I Love to Tell the Story, vs. 1 UMH 156 or Pastor’s choice
VII. Closing Prayer—Pastor
Notes for Church Conferences:
• If you have any other action items, please let me know about them well in advance of
your church conference date.
• Please put your reports in order following the agenda with page numbers listed on them
for easy reference during the church conference.
• Please feel free to adapt the agenda as needed for your church/charge. Remember that
the action items listed must be in your agenda.
• If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call or e-mail me.