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D I A N : T R A I N I N G A N D M A N A G E M E N T A C T I V I T I E S
M. Voda 89, Athens 104 40, Tel.: 210 8253933, Fax: 210 8253783, Ε-mail:
This project has been funded with support from
the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may
be made of the information contained therein
1. General Introduction
Since people find themselves in highly competitive environments and seek ways to update their
knowledge and skills the way we learn and educate ourselves has vastly changed and the way we
provide training and education has also changed. The e-learning programmes allow trainees to
participate from a distance to a very big variety of e-learning courses.
E-Learning is flexible, it offers the option to work and study at the same time, and allows the
participants to focus in an efficient and convenient manner on the subject they are studying. It is
self-paced and available at any time and place. As such, it is ideally suited fo r initial and for
lifelong learning selecting subjects important for their professional improvement and activities
designed to meet contemporary needs and interests.
The minimum requirements for a successful planning of an e-learning course are:
a) Learning & Testing Procedures
In all cases the e-learning programmes must be provided under the supervision of experienced
educators who are available for regular communication with the trainees and who ensure the
academic level of the course. In some e-learning courses and seminars, theory can be
supplemented with shorter or longer practical training, according to the total length of the
b) Technical Support
A facilitator is always available for all trainees, in order to help the participants to overcome any
technical difficulty that may arise.
c) Ongoing Learning
The learning experience must not end on the completion of the e-learning course. All participants
must receive regularly topics relevant to the course they attended, as well as on other topics of
broader relevant interest.
Information about e-learning in Greece
In Greece the term "open" and distance education is emerging through the Open University, which
opened its doors in 1997:
Financing for Development of Greek Open University of EPEAEK I (B CSF).
Commission Formation Research Group of Experts on the completion of the Program.
Completion of the effort to acquire teaching materials for the first two pilot programs.
Selection of teachers and establishment of faculty groups for the above programs.
Edit the Ministry of Education Bill for HOU and adoption by the Parliament (N.2552 / 97).

Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. | Theodore Roosevelt