HTML Preview Pre Seminar Checklist page number 1.

Prepare and send invitation list to Advanced Markets Team and Laura
Hadfield using invitation template (indicate mail option)
Print flyer with date & location of workshop and post around town
Mail invitation letters to client/members
- or -
Home office mails personalized invitation letters to client/members
($0.60 each must indicate on submitted invitation template)
Call invited client/members and register those interested by going to, selecting their preferred date/location and
entering their contact info
Registration confirmation email automatically sent to client/member on
your behalf
Call invitation list again to reach anyone previously unavailable and
register those interested by going to, selecting
their preferred date/location and entering their contact info
Registration confirmation email automatically sent to client/member on
your behalf
One-week follow-up email automatically sent to registered
client/members with date/time/location
Three-day reminder email automatically sent to client/members
Make reminder/confirmation phone calls to registered attendees
25 Days Prior
14 Days Prior
10 Days Prior
7 Days Prior
3 Days Prior
1-2 Days Prior
17 Days Prior
Pre-Seminar Checklist
Attend Seminar!
Maximize your efforts by following these proven steps

To think is easy. To act is difficult. To act as one thinks is the most difficult. | Johann Wolfgang Von Goeth