HTML Preview Pre Seminar Checklist page number 1.

Prepare and send invitation list to Advanced Markets Team and Laura
Hadfield using invitation template (indicate mail option)
Print flyer with date & location of workshop and post around town
Mail invitation letters to client/members
- or -
Home office mails personalized invitation letters to client/members
($0.60 each must indicate on submitted invitation template)
Call invited client/members and register those interested by going to, selecting their preferred date/location and
entering their contact info
Registration confirmation email automatically sent to client/member on
your behalf
Call invitation list again to reach anyone previously unavailable and
register those interested by going to, selecting
their preferred date/location and entering their contact info
Registration confirmation email automatically sent to client/member on
your behalf
One-week follow-up email automatically sent to registered
client/members with date/time/location
Three-day reminder email automatically sent to client/members
Make reminder/confirmation phone calls to registered attendees
25 Days Prior
14 Days Prior
10 Days Prior
7 Days Prior
3 Days Prior
1-2 Days Prior
17 Days Prior
Pre-Seminar Checklist
Attend Seminar!
Maximize your efforts by following these proven steps

Statistics suggest that when customers complain, business owners and managers ought to get excited about it. The complaining customer represents a huge opportunity for more business. | Zig Ziglar