HTML Preview Extended Essay Student Packet page number 1.

IB World School
Every IB Diploma candidate must submit an extended essay. This is a 3,500-4,000 word
piece of research on a topic you care about or find interesting. It will acquaint you with
independent research and writing skills used at your future university or college. You are
expected to spend approximately 40 hours in total on the extended essay. On the basis of
your extended essay, in conjunction with TOK, you will be awarded a possible maximum of
three bonus points which count towards your final diploma score. You will find a matrix
that explains this in the IB Extended Essay Guide. The required elements of the final work
to be submitted are listed here.
Title page
Contents page
Body (development/methods/results)
References and bibliography
Your extended essay is marked externally against a formal assessment criteria or rubric.
There is one set of criteria for all Extended Essays, but the criteria are judged by experts in
each subject area. To help you with this essay, you will need to have a teacher advisor from
the appropriate subject area. The advisor will be responsible for providing you with
assistance and direction. You should be aware that teachers supervise a maximum of three
extended essays and hence, in certain subjects, you may find that your supervisor is not
your first choice. MVHS students may check materials out from the UCI library. Please see
Mr. Krucli for the required paperwork.
You are recommended to pick a subject that you are studying, though this is not required. You will
be required to meet with your advisor multiple times as you draft and revise the extended essay.
You may meet either at tutorial or at the advisor’s convenience, but remember that it is your
responsibility to arrange meeting times and submit essay drafts for feedback. Before you turn in
your final draft, you will perform a formal interview, called a Viva Voce, with your advisor. You will
be required to upload your extended essays on IBIS if you are a full diploma candidate.

I feel that luck is preparation meeting opportunity. | Oprah Winfrey