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Employment Training Panel May 11, 2009 Page 3
ETP does not require the employer to pay health benefits to be eligible for
reimbursement of training costs. When it does, both benefits and salary are
properly recorded as wages, which is consistent with the Federal Labor Code.
ETP’s statute does not cap the amount of wage benefits that may be included in
the post-retention wage. The Panel usually caps this amount to what is needed
for the occupations being trained, as compared to every employee in the
company. It is also up to the company to determine which employees will
participate in the ETP reimbursed training and, as appropriate, to make this
selection in accordance with the terms and conditions of employment under a
Collective Bargaining Agreement.
He said that it is important for the Panel to consider, particularly for a project
located in a HUA and serving seasonal workers, the Panel’s flexibility in setting
an appropriate retraining wage that will allow for a project that builds the skills of
an optimal number of seasonal workers.
Janice Roberts: Ms. Roberts asked for a motion to approve the Agenda and
Minutes from the March 27 Panel meeting.
ACTION: Mr. Campbell moved and Ms. Montoya seconded approval of the
Agenda and Minutes from the March 27, 2009 Panel meeting.
Motion carried, 6 – 0.
Motion to Delegate to Executive Director if the Quorum is Lost
Janice Roberts: Ms. Roberts asked for a motion to delegate to the Executive
Director if the quorum is lost.
ACTION: Mr. Florence moved and Mr. McGowan seconded approval of the
motion to delegate to the Executive Director if the quorum is lost.
Motion carried, 6 – 0.
April 20, 2009 Minutes
Janice Roberts
: Ms. Roberts asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the
April 20 special meeting.
ACTION: Mr. McGowan moved and Mr. Campbell seconded the approval of
the April 20, 2009 minutes from the special meeting.
Motion carried, 6 – 0.
Barry Broad, Panel Chair, arrived at 12:33 p.m.

You only have to do a very few things right in your life so long as you don’t do too many things wrong. | Warren Buffett