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L e a d i n g T a c T i c s f o r r u r a L f u n d d e v e L o p m e n T : H o w - T o s a n d T e m p L a T e s v e r s i o n 3 - 0 6
Annual professional Advisors Breakfast
Wednesday, October 12, 2010
Holiday Inn Meeting Room
1234 Holiday Inn Drive
Midwest City, East Dakota
7:15 a.m.
Meet and Greet
Continental breakfast sponsored by Hopewell and Goodenough, Ltd.
7:30 a.m. Introductions and Welcome
Michael Hopewell, Chair, Midwest City Community Foundation
7:45 a.m. “Federal Tax Changes to the Charitable IRA
Will B. Rested, Limber and Howe, Ltd., Omaha, Nebraska
8:15 a.m. The Midwest City Community Foundation: Your Partner in Philanthropy
Liv A. Legace, Executive Director, Midwest City Community Foundation
8:35 a.m. Adjourn
Sample agenda for a
professional advisors meet

Please think about your legacy, because you’re writing it every day. | Gary Vaynerchuck