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Internal Investigation Report Template
Draft or Final Report Date: _______
Matter # ______ Category: ___________
Business Name /Location: ______________
Investigator(s): __________________________
Was the allegation or concern Substantiated? Y/N
Is it significant: (If yes, indicate if any of the following have been notified)
__ Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer ___ Chief Legal Counsel
__ Chief Financial Officer ___ Chief Executive Officer
__ Internal Audit ___ Board of Directors
__ Others: (including local, state and federal authorities. Describe below.)
Identify disciplinary actions taken:
___None ___ Verbal Warning
___Written Warning (1
, 2
, 3
) ___ Suspension w/without pay
___ Deduction of Bonus ___ Termination
___Deduction of Bonus
___Other (describe)
Describe any corrective actions taken:
___None ___Policy Revision
___Education/Training ___Other (Briefly Describe)
Other known actions taken by reporter, complainant or accused:
___ Lawsuit ___Union Action (Briefly Explain)
___ Other (Briefly Describe)
___Government Agency (e.g. EEOC, Dept of Labor, State HR Commissions, Govt. Hotlines)
Investigation Summary:
(Briefly describe the actions taken in conducting the investigation.)
(Please list the name(s) of the individual(s) who were involved in the investigation. If an outside source
involved, please note.)

Winners take time to relish their work, knowing that scaling the mountain is what makes the view from the top so exhilarating. | Denis Waitley