Community Grants Program
Budget example
ABC Group Budget Example
Budget—income and expenditure
Income Amount ($)
CGP request 7,192.00
Other income sources
Lotterywest 3,786.00
ABC Group Inc—catering and refreshments 1,000.00
In-kind contributions
Project coordination—5 volunteer x 10 hours @ $23.85 1,192.00
Group session volunteers—10 volunteers x 10 hours @ $23.53 2,353.00
Dance for Health 282.50
TOTAL $15,805.50
Expenditure items Amount ($) Funding organisation
Venue hire–Dryandra Com Hall x 4 @ $52; Centenary Reserve
Hall x 5 @ $48; park bookings x 5 = $257.50
705.50 Lotterywest
Transportation—2 x excursion—bus hire with fuel @ $525 (25
seater); 10 x fuel vouchers @ $50 for volunteers
1,550.00 OMI/Lotterywest
Yoga instructors x 2 @ $450 (equipment provided—mats) 1,800.00 OMI
Self defence instructor x 1 @ $400 400.00 OMI
Swimming sessions x 2 @ $375 750.00 OMI
Tennis sessions x 2 @ $250 500.00 OMI
Materials—drama (health info); quiz; play items 452.00 OMI
Project admin—stationery, postage and telephone (5 x $50
reimbursements for volunteers)
350.00 OMI
Photocopying—1000 @ 0.12c (information sheets) etc 120.00 OMI
First aid—project end event 435.00 OMI
Public Liability Insurance 835.00 OMI
Poster artwork—graphic designer 240.00 Lotterywest
Poster printing (1000 x A4 and 25 x A3) 422.50 Lotterywest
Advertisements x 2 (AB Newspaper) @ $684 1,368.00 Lotterywest
Catering and refreshments—project launch 2 x $350 for 50
attendees x 2; excursions 2 x $250 for 25 participants; project
end event 1 x $550 for 100 attendees
1,750.00 OMI/ABC Group Inc
Quiz prizes (6 x $25 and 3 x $50) 300.00 OMI
In-kind contributions
Project coordination—5 volunteer x 10 hours @ $23.85 1,192.00 ABC Group Inc
Session volunteers—10 volunteers x 10 hours @ $23.53 2,353.00 ABC Group Inc
Dance for Health facilitators 282.50 Dance for Health
TOTAL $15,805.50