HTML Preview Home Behavior Contract page number 1.

For: ______________________
Behavioral Expectations
1. No verbal abuse or foul language.
Homework must be done without hassle, completely and on time.
______________ will keep an appropriately clean room (includes placing dirty laundry in the
hamper, making bed in the morning before leaving the house, etc).
_______________ will wear clothing that is age-appropriate and shows pro-recovery attitude.
_______________ is expected to attend and participate in all planned family meals.
_______________ will wear a hairstyle agreeable to him/her and parent and demonstrates a
pro-recovery attitude.
Assigned chores will be completed (per attached schedule).
_______________ will participate in outpatient therapy with _______________. S/He will
report to the session(s) on time.
_________________ will not engage in physical abuse, threats or intimidation tactics.
The family will attend family therapy with ___________________ upon request.
_________________ will not steal or use other family member’s possessions without
__________________ will not be late for chores, from school, to meals or to any expected
activity. For exceptions, s/he may call home for permission to come home at a later time prior
to the time expected.
The family will participate in a weekly home process meeting on ______________ at
_______________. The entire family is expected to participate in this meeting, unless prior
arrangements are made.
_______________ will not engage in inappropriate teasing and fighting with brother(s) and
_________________ will accept “no” for an answer without arguing. Parents will provide a
brief explanation of the reason for the “no.”
All activities and friends must have the approval of parents. _____________ may bring this

The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it. | Debbi Fields