HTML Preview Church Meeting Minutes page number 1.

The following sample minutes contain examples of things that might occur at a session meeting. Many can be used as a
standard format such as the opening paragraph. Others may occur only occasionally or never. The wording is suggestive
only and needs to be adapted to the particular actions taken by session. All reports should be in writing, including that of
the clerk and pastor.
Minutes of the Regular [Special] Meeting of Session
February 17, 201_
A regular meeting of the Session of ___________________Presbyterian Church was held in the church parlor at 7:00
p.m., February 17, 201_. The meeting was constituted with prayer offered by the Moderator, the Rev.
________________. A quorum was present.
Present were: the Moderator and Elders .
Excused were: Elders .
Absent were: Elders .
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the January 17, 201_ were approved [or approved with the following
The Clerk presented the following correspondence and referrals made in consultation with the
1. Notice of the Presbytery Meeting referred to ______Committee for nomination of commissioners.
2. Notice of Christian Education referred to Christian Education Committee event
3. Bill for per capita due referred to Treasurer
4. Request for Session to participate in annual parade referred to Session
5. Etc. .
Session ratified the referrals and directed the Clerk of Session to respond to Item #4 with regret.
Pastor's Report:
The Pastor presented the following report of her activities since the last regular session
Baptisms requested: Session approved the requests for baptism of the following people and referred to the
Christian Education Committee a request that a date be set for the committee and pastor to
meet with the parents prior to baptism [or to meet with __________ concerning the meaning of
baptism and church membership]:
Child's name
Parents' names
Adult's name
Baptisms performed:
approved by Session January 17, 201_
on behalf of Christ Church approved by Session January 17, 2010_
extraordinary baptism
Session instructed the clerk to record the weddings on the register. [All weddings performed on
church property, performed by the pastor(s) anywhere, of members of the church married
Session instructed the clerk to record the deaths on the rolls.
Report of the Clerk:
The Clerk of Session presented the following report and recommendations.
That the presbytery's approval of the request for waiver from election for Elder-Elect
______________ be spread on the Minutes and that arrangements for the ordination date for
______________________ be referred to the Worship Committee.
The recommendation was adopted.
Annual Review:
That the Minutes and Register had been reviewed by Presbytery with one exception that the

Winning is not a sometime thing; it’s an all time thing. You don’t win once in a while, you don’t do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing. | Vince Lombardi