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FORM 735-9689 (3-16)
Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 825.017(13) provides that:
Vehicles owned or operated by, or under contract with, a charitable organization
when exclusively engaged in performing transportation, either one way or round
trip, necessary to the operation of the charitable organization. As used in this
subsection, “charitable organization” means an organization that has no capital
stock and no provision for making dividends or profits, but derives its funds
principally from public and private charity and holds them in trust for the
promotion of the welfare of others and not for profit. Any organization claiming an
exemption under this subsection shall file an affidavit with the department stating
that it is organized and operated in accordance with the requirements of this
Application for a charitable exemption under ORS 825.017(13) is made by sending ODOT Motor
Carrier Transportation Division an affidavit certifying that the charity meets all of the above
statutory requirements. This brief letter or statement needs to be signed, dated and prepared on
the applicant's letterhead. It also needs to include contact information such as the name and title
of the contact person, address, phone number, fax number, e-mail address, and the charity's
employer identification number (EIN). Please also submit supporting evidence with the affidavit, if
available, including:
A copy of an IRS determination letter establishing your organization as exempt from
payment of federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the US Tax Code.
A copy of bylaws or articles of incorporation showing the corporate purpose, and
A brochure, other printed material, or web-site address with information and the charity
and its operations.
As part of the review process, three data bases will be checked for active registration.
Corporations operating in Oregon need to register with the Corporation Division of the
Oregon Secretary of State's Office, or 503-986-2200.
Charities (other than churches) owning property, operating or soliciting donations in
Oregon must register with The Charitable Activities Section of the Oregon Department of
Justice. Please call 971-673-1880 for assistance.
The Internal Revenue Service maintains a list of charitable organizations that can be
searched by EIN. This site is, or you may call 877-829-5500.
Qualified charities will receive a letter with a MCTD Exemption Number. This is the number that
needs to be entered on DMV Form 735-0149 (Charitable/Nonprofit Exemption Certification Form)
to obtain charitable (CN) plates. Note that only vehicles registered at 8,000 pounds or more, may
obtain charitable (CN) plates.
Please also note that ORS 805.050 requires private, nonprofit, charitable schools educating K-12
students to register certain vehicles for school bus (SC) plates. If you have questions, please call
the Oregon Department of Education at 503-947-5819.
SALEM OR 97302-1166

If you see a bandwagon, it’s too late. | James Goldsmith