HTML Preview Office Lunch Invitation page number 1.

Dear colleagues,
We are glad to invite you to take part in the Staff Training Week that will be held at Ghent University
from March 11 until March 15, 2013.
The aim of this Staff Training Week is to welcome both teaching and non-teaching staff from our
partner institutions and share experiences with regard to the following theme: “Quality Assurance in
Higher Education: Best Practices, Challenges and Opportunities”.
Our proposed program consists out of different workshops and visits to the departments according
to the participants’ areas of interest.
A preliminary agenda has been devised; a more specific and detailed programme will be sent in
February 2013 to the selected candidates.
Staff Trainin
g Week
Draft programme
March 11,
10u: Guided visit to STAM
(for those participants who have
already arrived)
14u30-17u30: Meeting with the International Relations Office
Venue: IRO
- Welcome of participants
- Presentation of IRO colleagues
- General Information of Ghent University
- Presentations by participants (10 min. Facts & Figures + expectations of this
17u30: Short touristic visit followed by an informal dinner with some of the
colleagues of the IRO
March 12,
Venue: IRO
9u-10u30: The role of the central administration in a decentralized quality assurance
10u30: The role of faculty administration in a decentralized quality assurance system +
Afternoon: Individual programme: Possibility to discuss specific items with colleagues
of the IRO or of the Faculty of interest.
March 13,
Visit Flanders Fields Museum Ypres
Tyne Cot Cemetery
Last Post
March 14,
9u30-10u30: ECTS and Diploma Supplement – Bologna expert Prof. Dr. Luc François
10u30-11u30: Quality assurance in bilateral agreements
11u30-12u30: Quality in Erasmus Mundus Action 1
13u-15u : Lunch
Venue: IRO
15u-16u: Quality in Erasmus Mundus Action 2

A consultant is someone who takes the watch off your wrist and tells you the time. | Unknown