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Form CW
Application for assistance for members with conveyancing
at a fixed charge/free wills.
Section 1: Member’s details
This section is to be completed fully by the Branch Secretary. The form will not be processed if this section is not fully completed.
Name of member
UNISON region UNISON membership number
UNISON service group Branch Secretary’s name
Branch name and address
Date of joining UNISON Male Female
I confirm that the above named has been a fully paid-up member of UNISON for at least four weeks.
(the Branch Secretary’s signature is confirmation that the member is entitled to legal assistance).
Signed Branch
(Branch Secretary) Date
Section 2: To be completed by the member
Telephone number Date of birth
Racial/ethnic monitoring
This information is collected for internal use only. It is gathered so that UNISON can assess how well it is serving all its members.
Please classify your racial/ethnic origin. You may find it helpful to use some of the classifications listed below.
White Black Afro Caribbean African Asian Pakistani
Indian Chinese Turkish Other
I apply for assistance with Conveyancing Wills Signature of member
Return this completed form to: BBH Legal Services Ltd ( a wholly owned subsidiary of Thompsons Solicitors LLP),
Wills Department, Eastham Hall, Eastham Village, Wirral, Cheshire, CH62 0AF.
Designed and produced by UNISON Communications Unit. Published and printed by UNISON,130 Euston Road, London NW1 2AY. 2012/21461 stock no. 0843 Print ref. 12898

You must either modify your dreams or magnify your skills. | Jim Rohn