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Florida Atlantic University
Students Accessibility Services
777 Glades Road, SU 133 3200 College Avenue, LA 131 5353 Parkside Drive, SR 117
Boca Raton, Florida 33431 Davie, Florida 33314 Jupiter, Florida 33458
Phone: (561) 297-3880 Phone: (954) 236-1222 Phone: (561)799-8585
Fax (561) 297- 2184 Fax (954) 236-1123 Fax (561) 799-8721
Volunteer Sign-Up Sheet
Date: __________ Term: __________ Campus: Boca ___ Broward ___ Jupiter ___
Thank you for choosing to volunteer with the Students Accessibility Services.
Please complete this form for our Information Database.
Name:_______________________________________________ Z#:
Street Address:_________________________________ City: ________________ Zip:
Local Phone: ( ) Work Phone: ( ) _____
Cell Phone: ( ) FAU e-mail: _____
Areas you are interested in (check all that apply):
Reader_____ Notetaker_____ Scribe_____ Office_____
Research Assistant_____
I know the name of the student for whom I’ll be taking notes………… Yes____ No____
(If Yes) The student’s name is: ____________________________________________
(If No, you will be provided the student’s information once you have been matched).
For SAS Use Only:

I feel that luck is preparation meeting opportunity. | Oprah Winfrey