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P.T.A. Executive Board Meeting
Thursday, March 3rd, 2011, 9:15 a.m.
Members Present: Jennifer Patterson, Grace Kahn, Kim Baenen, Abby Maretsky,
Christine Snyder, Sharese Pace, Kathleen Andreello, Carole Bearhs, Cydney Daly, Leesa
Roberston, Kristy McUmber, Susie Ingle, Janet Gaffin, Paula Whitty, Sharon Stephens,
Lynette Mooney, Judy Jenkins, Nancy Grindle, Susan Kocarek, jennifer Logan, Mark
Lee, Kim Hanley, Janice Martin
Call to Order Kim Hanley @ 9:15 a.m.
Thank you for all of your help with the Carnival.... beginning, middle and end. It
was a HUGE success.
Dunk Tank was a lot of fun and raised over $600.00. It will be questionable for
next year depending on if we can get one in better shape...... a little dangerous.
Group Picture
Let's Skate is this Friday - Sand Lake Elementary Spirit night - Cash Only
Intent Forms - who has filled theirs out. Kim handed out some forms.
Nominating Committee - Janice M., Susan K., Susie I., Sharon S. & Kathleen A.
We need to nominate someone for the Stingray Award - someone from the PTA
board that has gone above and beyond this year with service, commitment, hours
and helpfulness.
Coming up - the TAP Luncheon the end of March, April will be Earth Week, and
in may the EOY Luncheon and ADDitions recognition.
EOY PTA party will be held at Howl at the Moon. $10 to $15 donation and bring
your spouse..... it will be a Friday night in May either the 13th or 20th.
Treasurer’s Report Janice Martin -
The 5th grade stage dispute was settled, not sure on the cart?
Susan K. - the Silent Auction has raised over $15000.00 Gross, not sure on the
final numbers until everything settles and costs are paid. Great Success
Janice - Carnival income $8278.20
minus expense - Rides and Concession $5629.87
profit right now of $2648.33
Carole Beahrs stated that the dunk tank raised $610.00 in 3 hours
There is also the expense of Grossology of $458.00 for the family fun night
and $1006.00 from Box Tops -
Secretary Grace Kahn -
need to approve the February minutes. Jennifer Patterson motioned for the
approval, Nancy Grindle seconded. Kim Hanley called for the vote and it was
passed..... Feb. minutes were approved.
P.I.E. Coordinator Sharese Pace -
Spirit Night for Chic-fil-a was a big success. We raised $279.00 for the school.
Nominated T-Rex for a large partner and CVS for a medium sized partner. Both
of our partners won for the Southwest Learning Community.

People rarely buy what they need. They buy what they want. | Seth Godin