Proper landscape maintenance sustains the quality and health of a landscaped area and preserves the
intended design concept. Landscaping is intended to provide overall aesthetically pleasing appearance
for the community.
Plants are chosen for their natural shape and growth habit. All plants should be allowed to grow to their
natural form and size, unless specifically noted. Plants should be pruned to promote structural strength
and to accentuate their natural form and features. Trimming and pruning should not alter this form
Plant materials should only be pruned and trimmed once a year and at specified times according to
individual plant specimens. This will allow each plant to recover its natural shape, size, texture, and
seasonal color. Plant growth or breakage, such as after a storm, is allowed. Excessive watering
promotes excessive growth and is discouraged. The irrigation controller will need to be adjusted
accordingly to discourage water waste and excessive growth.
The following is to serve as required specifications and to provide guidance in the maintenance of the
areas which fall under the Maintenance and Operation Contract.
Refer to Planting and Staking Guidelines, University of Arizona publication AZ1022 for
appropriate and acceptable methods.
1. The purpose of staking trees is to support and protect young trees until they are able to stand
2. All tree stakes and ties shall be maintained to properly support the tree. They shall be
inspected a minimum of once every 60 days to prevent girdling or chafing of trunks or
branches or rubbing which may cause bark wounds.
3. Stakes should not remain on trees for longer than a one year period.
Deciduous trees should be pruned during their dormancy period, usually in the winter. Pruning
during dormancy will promote a healthy spring growth. Spring flowering and desert trees should
be pruned in May. Never use pruning sealants, which can cause bacteria and fungus to seal in
and degrade the health of the tree. Trees should be sparingly pruned during the summer months
to prevent sunburn to trunks and other newly exposed areas. No more than 25% of the trees
mass should be removed during the year. Pruned trees will require more water and fertilizer due
to the foliage loss, which would normally have produced plant energy. Topping, “poodling”,
balling or squaring of trees is not allowed.
1. All pruning shall conform to ANSI A300 Part 1 pruning standards.
2. All trees shall be pruned to promote structural strength and to accentuate the natural form and
features of the tree.
3. All trees shall be allowed to grow to their natural genetic form and size, unless specifically
4. Pruning must be carried out to permit unobstructed passage to pedestrians and motor
vehicles and to prevent sight restrictions near intersections. This means that branches should
be maintained to a 7 ½ ft. above sidewalks and 12 ft. above vehicular areas. Shrubs and
groundcover must be trimmed 4 inches from sidewalks and curbs.
5. Stripping of lower branches (“raising up”) shall not be permitted. Lower branches shall be
retained in a “tipped back” or pinched condition with as much foliage as possible to promote
trunk caliper growth. Lower branches should be cut off only after the tree is able to stand
erect without staking or other support.