128 Pleasant Street ePortfolio: http://employment.eduction.umn.edu/jseeker jobseeker@umn.edu
Minneapolis, MN 55416 (612)625-4346
• Physical Education, K-12 August 2011
• Special Education: Developmental Adapted Physical, Pre K - grade 12 August 2011
University of Minnesota, School of Kinesiology Twin Cities Campus
Masters of Education, Physical Education Anticipated May, 2013
Bachelor of Science, Kinesiology Exercise Science May, 2010
• Minor: Youth Studies
CPR Certification – Children and Adults 2010 - Present
Awards and Honors
• National Association for Sport & Physical Education Student of the Year 2010
• Women’s Physical Education Alumnae Association Scholarship 2009
Grade Physical Education and Health Student Teacher Minneapolis, MN
Lane High School January – May 2011
• Lead a unit on sexual health and reproduction from which 90% of students met learning
objectives at or above 85% as assessed by an objective, multiple choice, True/False and short
essay exam adapted from district curriculum
• Taught students how to work with others through team building activities such as the human knot,
relays, and the action name game
• Prepared and taught a lesson on badminton from which, based on a formal assessment, 100% of
students learned the rules, shots, and stance
K-5 Physical Education Minneapolis, MN
Kenny Elementary School September – December 2010
• Organized age appropriate sporting events, such as basketball, wiffleball, baseball, T-ball, and
kickball, focusing on students’ learning of strategy, teamwork, and cooperation
• Ensured safety of children, utilizing cones, providing water breaks, equipment inspections, and
close supervision of class
• Discussed the dangers of violence, peer pressure, and the importance of health and hygiene
Girls’ High School Soccer Coach, Sunnybrook Charter School, Fridley, MN 2008-2009
Girls’ Junior High Volleyball Coach, Sunnybrook Charter School, Fridley, MN 2007-2009
Girls’ Ages 8-10 Soccer Coach, Minneapolis Youth Soccer 2004-2007
Girls’ Ages 6-8 Assistant Soccer Coach, Minneapolis Youth Soccer 2003