Revised 2/12
Eligibility by Appointment Type
IMPORTANT NOTE: Eligibility for military leave benefits ends when the employment contract ends unless the
employee would have received another consecutive appointment if not on active military duty. If there is an
established pattern of consecutive terminal appointments, the employer should make a reasonable
determination of whether the employee would have received another consecutive terminal appointment if he or
she were not on active duty and, if possible, renew the appointments prior to the beginning of the military leave.
In cases where the intent is not to renew the appointment in absence of the military duty, incumbents should
be notified prior to reporting for active duty. If the incumbent has a back-up appointment, he or she should be
placed in the backup appointment prior to military leave, if possible.
Eligible for 30-days of
military leave with no loss
of pay?
Eligible for duration of
deployment, up to 4 years with
no loss of pay or benefits?
Classified Permanent during Probation
(Statute does not require the
employee to be permanent)
Classified Project w/o Permanent Status
Classified Project w/ Permanent Status
Limited (e.g., Chancellors, Deans, Directors)
Academic Staff w/ renewable appt.
Academic Staff working in 1
terminal appt w/
no intention of continued employment
Academic Staff working in minimum of 2
consecutive terminal appointment
Student Assistants – Teaching Assistant;
Project or Program Assistant; Research
Student Assistants - Advanced Opportunity
Fellow, Scholar or Trainee
Employees in Training (Post-Grad Trainee/1-7,
Intern (non-physician), Research Intern,
Research Associate) working in 1
appt w/ no intention of continued employment
Employees in Training (Post-Grad Trainee/1-7,
Intern (non-physician), Research Intern,
Research Associate) working in a minimum of
consecutive terminal appointment
Employees in Training – Grad Intern/Trainee,
Post Doc Fellow, Post Doc Trainee