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Business Plan Project
Through this activity, FBLA-Middle Level members will team up
with a partner or they may complete this as an individual project.
Members will learn to identify a market and reach that market
through dierent promotional activities. Each team has received
the funding necessary to start a new business. All activities
need to be turned in to the FBLA-Middle Level adviser in a report
format once everything has been completed.
REPORT (all reports must be bound)
Include the following sections in developing the report for
the Business Plan. The report must be word processed and
the body of the report must be at least three pages in length.
Pages may be single or double spaced.
Business Overview. This introduction to the student’s report
should describe the business concept and explain the
rationale behind the slogan and logos of the business. It also
should discuss how students plan to create interest in their
Company Description. This should include the business
mission statement. It also should include a vision for the
business and the strategies that the student is going to use
to achieve this. Goals or objectives of the business should be
listed in this section of the report.
Industry Analysis. Students are to prepare a description of the
relevant industry for their business. Make sure size, growth
rates, nature of competition, history, trends, and opportunities
within the industry are included in the plan.
Marketing Plan. Students need to identify their target market
in this section of the report. They should determine the
needs of consumers and the components of marketing for
their business (product, place, price, promotion, and people);
design their business so that it will meet the customer’s needs;
and identify the dierent promotional eorts in this section
including the dierent types of advertising that will be used
(i.e., slogans, logos, billboards, brochures, print ads, and
Human Resources. Students should identify key employees
needed for the business and indicate how the employees will
be recruited.
Summary. Where do you see the business in three, ve, and
ten years? Include an evaluation of the businesss potential
for success or failure and identify priorities for directing future
business activities. Students should reect on any long-term
business goals and any risks that they may face within the
industry they have chosen.
Business Name/Goals. Come up with a name for the new
business. Develop a vision for this business, strategies for
reaching this vision, and goals or objectives for the business.
This information will be used in the nal phase of the project,
when students prepare a written report with the appendices
Logo. Design a logo and a slogan for the business to be used
on correspondence, letterhead, and promotional pieces. This
logo will represent the image of the business in the industry.
Business Cards. Design business cards for yourself that
includes your name, title, business address, phone number,
and email address.
Letterhead. Create letterhead that will be used for all
correspondence. The letterhead must include the name of
the company, student’s name and title, company address,
company phone number, and company email address.
Brochure. Students are to create a brochure advertising their
business. This brochure must include the business logo and
a list of the business merchandise or services oered. Include
appropriate clip art and pictures.
Grand Opening Flyer. Students are to create a yer for the
grand opening of their business. The yer should be carefully
designed, look professional, and provide a brief description of
the products or services that the company provides.
Door Sign with Hours. Create a sign designating the hours
the company is open for business. Include the company logo.
Welcome Letter. Prepare a welcome letter in proper business
format that could be mailed to prospective customers. This
letter should be on the business letterhead and should
include a description of the business and an invitation for
them to attend the grand opening. Include a coupon at the
bottom of the page that customers can use on their rst
visit. The letter should be addressed to “Dear Prospective
Customer:” and include the business location, hours, and any
other relevant information.
Include the following documents in the appendix.
1. Include a cover page on card stock paper with graphics,
student’s name, class, and name of business.
2. Page number the report.
3. Include a table of contents.
4. The following appendices should follow the report:
Appendix A—Logo and Business Slogan
Appendix B—Business Card
Appendix C—Letterhead
Appendix D—Brochure
Appendix E—Grand Opening Flyer
Appendix F—Door Sign with Hours
Appendix G—Welcome Letter
MAP—Enterprise Level

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Thoughts are things! And powerful things at that, when mixed with definiteness of purpose, and burning desire, can be translated into riches. | Napoleon Hill