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The University of Arkansas
Office of Student Activities
Department: Office of Student Activities
Office/Program: Associated Student Government Fresh HOGS Program
Contact: Katie Gottshalk, Graduate Assistant
Mission Statement:
Office of Student Activities
With a students-first philosophy, the Office of Student Activities provides an
environment for involvement, empowerment, and collaboration through student
organizations, programmatic experiences, and shared governance. OSA
maximizes the University of Arkansas experience by advocating for all students,
promoting intercultural understanding, and developing citizens who are
prepared to positively impact their communities.
Fresh HOGS
Fresh HOGS members will develop leadership skills and increase awareness of
diversity in order to effectively represent fellow students in the future. Fresh
HOGS members will learn the operations of ASG through interactive educational
programming, serving in multiple roles within the organization and intentional
SMART Goal 1: To increase the number of qualified candidates and improve
the level of thorough consideration in the selection process.
Specific We will have more applicants apply to the Fresh HOGS program
than previous years, and to implement an interview aspect in the selection
process. We will also create an online application.
Measurable We will have over 100 applicants, interview up to 75
candidates, and select no more than 50 Fresh HOGS.
Action-Oriented We will recruit applicants at all orientation sessions in
Summer 2012. We will have a strategic, up-to-date marketing campaign.
We will utilize University of Kentucky’s “speed-dating” interview structure
to ensure that candidates interact with different types of students, are
asked a variety of questions, and are all reviewed equally.
Realistic We cannot expect all freshmen to matriculate at the same level
of preparedness and experience. We will never have a selection process

People rarely buy what they need. They buy what they want. | Seth Godin