Call to Order. Introductions.
Changes to the Consent Agenda.
Consent Agenda
Recommendation: Approve Consent Agenda.
By Consent, approve minutes from 12-16-15 regular meeting.
By Consent, approve Monthly Financial Report.
By Consent, Approve Form 990 Tax Return.
Items Removed from Consent Agenda for Board Consideration
WOC Pillars - The Whole Child
The WOC Pillars are the core tenants on the Wildflower philosophy. A
specific Pillar is discussed at each board meeting.
Recommendation: Discussion.
Wildflower Community Council
The Wildflower Community Council (WCC) is Wildflower parent and
community organization. The WCC Chair reports the activities of the
organization at each board meeting.
Recommendation: Receive Report & Discussion.
Board Meeting Organizational Changes
Discuss changes to BOD meeting including: calendar, time of meetings,
agenda makeup and board work sessions.
Recommendation: Discussion & Action if Appropriate.
Tom Hicks
Jillian Hopewell
Mission & Vision Discussion
Introduction item: refining our mission and vision. !Board will choose a
time and process for a conversation about WOC mission/vision review.
Recommendation: Discussion.
Budget & Spending Priorities Discussion
Discussion of budget timeline and spending priorities. Board will choose
a time and process for a conversation concerning budget and spending
Recommendation: Discussion.
Facility Use Permit
Update and discussion concerning plan to address traffic issues.
Recommendation: Receive Report & Discussion.
Director & Enrollment Report
School Director will report on the following topics: Enrollment, Staffing &
Kindergarten Aftercare.
Recommendation: Receive Report & Discussion.
January 28, 2016 7:00 P.M. - 2414 Cohasset Road - Chico , CA 95926