HTML Preview Sample Employee Evaluation page number 1.

Revised HR 2-11
New Employee Performance Evaluation
General Information and Timeframe for Completion
New employees or employees who have moved into a new job will have performance evaluated early in the new assignment. The New
Employee Performance Evaluation is an opportunity for the supervisor to review the employee performance prior to the end of the new hire
(probationary) period of six months and to confirm a recommendation for continued employment or extend a probationary period. The New
Employee Performance Evaluation is an opportunity to reiterate goals and expectations with a new team member. Training and development
needs are discussed and a plan is established as applicable. At this time, the new employee should determine if he/she is committed to continued
employment at NSU.
New employees may have performance evaluated anytime during the new hire period as needed or appropriate. An employee who is consistently
falling below expectations on duties or who falls below expectations on critical duties should not have continued employment confirmed.
New employee should be evaluated no later than one month prior to the end (5 months) of their new hire (probationary) period. Refer to the
Human Resources Procedure Manual for all Employees for detailed information.
Steps to Completion of Performance Evaluation
1. Supervisor should review job description.
2. Remember that the primary goal with performance evaluation is for productive two-way communication between the employee and the
3. Supervisor should schedule an evaluation review discussion with the employee, give employee the Areas for Discussion at Performance
Review (page 3) of the evaluation form in advance and receive the completed form (page 3) from the employee prior to the meeting.
4. Supervisor should complete the Ninety-Day Performance Evaluation form (pages 1 and 2) according to the instructions below.
5. Employee completes the discussion form (page 3) and forwards to supervisor.
6. Supervisor gets ready for discussion by having 2 copies of the completed Ninety-Day Performance Appraisal form (pages 1 and 2.)
7. Supervisor and employee meet and discuss the evaluation.
Begin with discussion of job description.
Ask about concerns or needs from the new employee.
Discuss successes.
Make plans for areas in need of improvement.
Set goals with at least one goal related to NSU Mission, Vision, Values or the Service Excellence Values.
8. Discuss the Service Excellence Values and the NSU Mission, Vision and Values. Include your expectation within your department and how
you evaluate this. Now is a good time to identify strengths and opportunities related to the Service Excellence Values.
9. The entire completed and signed evaluation form and any accompanying information are submitted to the Office of Human Resources for
inclusion in personnel file.
Performance Evaluation Form Example
General Employment Performance
The supervisor may have assigned specific requirements in these categories or may relate them to overall employment issues. This rating
indicates how well the employee has used skills to do their job. Feel free to add specific requirements to each item. Attach additional pages as
necessary. Any rating above or below “meets expectations should include a comment.
Work Skillsprioritizing assignments, time management, initiative, creativity, etc.
Specific Items: meets deadlines 80% of time.
Specific Items: no initiative to complete new filing system.
Specific Items: designed new webpage for dept.

The NBA is never just a business. It’s always business. It’s always personal. All good businesses are personal. The best businesses are very personal. | Mark Cuban