Holding Deposit Form & Receipt
Do not pay the holding deposit or sign unless you are certain that you wish to rent the accommodation.
The Holding Deposit is only refundable in the following Circumstances:
A. If the offer is not accepted by the landlord the holding deposit will be refunded in full.
B. If the prospective tenant withdraws the offer or provides false or misleading statements and the
landlord is unable to let the property by the agreed date, a charge will be payable to cover reasonable
time and expenses up to a maximum of the holding deposit paid.
Upon receipt of the sum of £________ by cash / bank transfer / Card payment,
The property mentioned below will be suspended from the letting market subject to approval of
references and let subject to satisfactory references and contract on the terms listed below:
The Following must be paid in full, in cleared funds, before tenancy starts
I hereby acknowledge the receipt of £________ Date
SIGNED_________________________ On behalf of the landlord
I/We hereby confirm that I/We act for all applicants jointly and severally and confirm the terms as above and
payment of the above Holding Deposit. I/We understand that if I/We withdraw the proposed for any reason the
said Holding Deposit will be forfeited.
SIGNED ___________________________ Date____/_____ /_____
For & on behalf of prospective tenan
Cityhomes Lettings
Sort Code: 20 46 60
Acc No.: 03320545