HTML Preview Business Proposal1 page number 1.

Dear «Salutation»:
At its meeting on «BoardDate», the Board of Trustees of The XYZ
Foundation carefully considered your request «RequestedAmt» for the
«ProgramName» to «Description». However, the proposal was not funded.
This action is not, of course, a reflection on the value of your program. It
only indicates that the Foundation's funds are limited.
The Foundation receives many more requests to participate in funding
endeavors than our relatively limited resources will permit. This leads to
difficult decisions in establishing priorities and means that a number of
important activities, such as yours, cannot be supported by the Foundation at
this time.
We are appreciative of the information forwarded to us and of the time and
effort expended in preparing the application.
Although the Foundation cannot be of assistance, we do wish you success in
securing the funds from other sources.

Look well to this day. Yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow is only a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well therefore to this day. | Francis Gray