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GTC Rev 2014/09
Printed Name: ________________________________________ IRA Account #: _____________________
AGREED: ________________________________________ Date: _____________________
GoldStar Trust Company
P.O. Box 719
Canyon, TX 79015
(800) 486-6888
This form only needs to be completed and submitted to GoldStar Trust Company once to authorize advance payment and/or advance delivery to your dealer.
This document is in supplement of my IRA Simpli er Individual Retirement Account Application, the 5305-A Plan Agreement, the Financial Dis-
closure, and the Disclosure Statement, and any amendments or documents related thereto (collectively the “IRA Simpli er”) which govern the
relationship between GoldStar Trust Company (“GoldStar”) acting solely in its capacity as Custodian over my Self-Directed Individual Retirement
Account (“IRA”) and me as a holder of the IRA. The terms of this letter are subject to all applicable federal and state laws and regulations and
the terms of the IRA Simpli er.
Regarding all investment (purchase) transactions directed by me in which my dealer, ___________________________, participates in my
purchase of precious metals to be held in my IRA, I hereby instruct GoldStar to pay my dealer for the metal being purchased before receiving
delivery of the metal. This direction covers all investment (purchase) transactions involving my above-designated dealer until this direction is
revoked in writing. I have exercised sole discretion in choosing my dealer. The amount of compensation to be paid my dealer for its services is a
matter of contract solely between my dealer and me. GoldStar is acting as my agent and not as a duciary.
I have independently made this decision because I believe that advance payment to my dealer for precious metals has bene ts that justify the
risk to my IRA assets. Should my dealer fail, within a time period that is customary in the industry, to deliver the metal purchased, GoldStar will
have no obligation to take any action other than to notify me of the failure. However, should GoldStar take action to secure delivery or a refund,
I agree to promptly reimburse GoldStar for any expenses arising from such action, including but not limited to attorney’s fees and costs and
GoldStar’s reasonable fees and costs.
I acknowledge and agree that if GoldStar fails to receive directions from me or my dealer on my behalf regarding any transaction contemplated
herein or if GoldStar receives ambiguous directions regarding any such transaction, or GoldStar, in good faith, believes that any such transaction
requested is in dispute, GoldStar reserves the right to take no action until further clari cation acceptable to GoldStar is received from me, my
dealer, or the appropriate government or judicial authority.
I further acknowledge and agree that GoldStar shall not be responsible to me for losses of any kind that may result from the directions to Gold-
Star from me or my dealer or the actions or failures to act by me or my dealer. I furthermore agree to reimburse GoldStar for any loss GoldStar
may incur as a result of such directions, actions or failures to act.
I furthermore agree to indemnify and hold GoldStar, individually and in its capacity as Custodian, harmless for any and all claims, actions,
proceedings, damages, judgments, liabilities, costs and expenses, including attorney’s fees, arising from, or in connection with this direction to
allow advance payment to my dealer for precious metals.
Regarding all liquidation (sale) transactions directed by me in which my dealer, ___________________________, participates in my sale of
precious metals to be held in my IRA, I hereby instruct GoldStar to deliver the metal designated for sale to my dealer before receiving payment
for the metal. This direction covers all liquidation (sale) transactions involving my above-designated dealer until this direction is revoked in
writing. I have exercised sole discretion in choosing my dealer. The amount of compensation to be paid my dealer for its services is a matter of
contract solely between my dealer and me. GoldStar is acting as my agent and not as a duciary.
I have independently made this decision because I believe that advance delivery of metal from my IRA to my dealer has bene ts that justify the
risk to my IRA assets. Should my dealer fail, within a time period that is customary in the industry, to pay for my metal sold to my dealer, Gold-
Star will have no obligation to take any action other than to notify me of the failure. However, should GoldStar take action to collect payment,
I agree to promptly reimburse GoldStar for any expenses arising from such action, including but not limited to attorney’s fees and costs and
GoldStar’s reasonable fees and costs.
I acknowledge and agree that if GoldStar fails to receive directions from me or my dealer on my behalf regarding any transaction contemplated
herein or if GoldStar receives ambiguous directions regarding any such transaction, or GoldStar, in good faith, believes that any such transaction
requested is in dispute, GoldStar reserves the right to take no action until further clari cation acceptable to GoldStar is received from me, my
dealer, or the appropriate government or judicial authority.
I further acknowledge and agree that GoldStar shall not be responsible to me for losses of any kind that may result from the directions to Gold-
Star from me or my dealer or the actions or failures to act by me or my dealer. I furthermore agree to reimburse GoldStar for any loss GoldStar
may incur as a result of such directions, actions or failures to act.
I furthermore agree to indemnify and hold GoldStar, individually and in its capacity as Custodian, harmless for any and all claims, actions,
proceedings, damages, judgments, liabilities, costs and expenses, including attorney’s fees, arising from, or in connection with this direction to
allow advance delivery of precious metals to my dealer.

Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing it is stupid | Einstein