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4 The Trouble With Sub-Saharan African Debt
Prof. Aleksandr V. Gevorkyan and
Ingrid H. Kvangraven
8 With Good Politics, Sub-Saharan Africa Can
Make Up More Lost Ground
Dr. Martin Raschen
16 The Story Of Inclusive Banking
Prof. Hans Dieter Seibel
18 Ugandas Journey Towards Financial
Rachel Mindra Katoroogo
22 The Impact Of BREXIT On South Africa
Dr. Sean Gossel
24 Non-Interest Financing As A Tool For Poverty
Alleviation In Nigeria
Oladotun Larry Anifowose
Contact CIDEF:
Tel: +27-21-914 6778
Fax: +27-21-914 4438
P.O Box 3628, Tygervalley, 7536, South Africa
DEFA is a global non-academic nance magazine focusing
on development nance and its use in promoting nancial
and economic development. It’s readership includes CEOs,
Managing Directors, senior and middle managers of private
and public sector institutions, investment and development
bankers, members of development nance institutions,
academics and nance specialists in non-governmental
organisations. The magazine welcomes short articles in
any area of development nance including case studies,
short pieces, research summaries, and best practices and
challenges impacting on development banking and nance.
You can send your article to Dr. Abdul Latif Alhassan (Associate
Editor) at
Development Finance Agenda
Volume 2, Issue 3-4
Managing Editor
Prof. Nicholas Biekpe (CIDEF, South Africa)
Associate Editor
Dr. Abdul Latif Alhassan (CIDEF, South Africa)
Editorial Team
Prof. Andy Mullineux (University of Birmingham, UK)
Dr. Anthony Kyereboah-Coleman (Afreximbank, Egypt)
Dr. Dumisani Magadlela (Development Bank of Southern
Elsie Addo (IMF, USA)
Prof. Franklin A. Michello (Middle Tennessee State University,
Prof. Joshua Abor (Univ. of Ghana Business School, Ghana)
Prof. Roman Matousek (University of Kent, UK)
Dr. Sephooko Motelle (Central Bank of Lesotho, Lesotho)
Dr. Sharron L. McPherson (WEDI International, USA)
Dr. Nana Boateng (National Treasury, South Africa)
Dr. Natalie Chinje (Wits Business School, South Africa)
Dr. Zwelakhe Tshandu (Development Bank of Southern Africa)
Development Finance
• WithGoodPolitics,Sub-SaharanAfricaCanMakeUpMoreLostGround
• TheStoryOfInclusiveBanking
• Uganda’sJourneyTowardsFinancialInclusiveness
• TheImpactOfBREXITOnSouthAfrica
• Non-InterestFinancingAsAToolForPoverty
VOLUME 2 • ISSUE 3-4 2016
ISSN 2413-256X

A consultant is someone who takes the watch off your wrist and tells you the time. | Unknown