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Grace Lutheran Church Council Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
6:00 pm
Elders Present: Carole Ryan, Christine McGraw, Joyce Eggleston, Jill Nugent, Rachel Zippwald, Ken
Beaulieu, Jon Finch, Linda Woodbury, Pastor Chris Tweitmann
Staff Present: Betty Wardle
Congregation Present: Bob Eggink, Debbie Graves
I. Dinner/Devotions/Prayer Requests/Affirmations
a. Pastor Chris led the council in a Devotion
b. Prayer Requests/Affirmations
1. Prayer for Rachel Zippwald’s sister having lumpectomy
2. Praise for Lee and Katie Humerian’s wedding on Nov. 10
3. Praise for Ethan Wardle’s job
4. Prayers for Lavonne Dempsey and family upon Bill’s passing.
5. Bob & Phyllis Raines and family upon Frances Raines passing.
6. Mildred Anderson upon Jollene’s passing.
7. Praise and prayers for safe travel for Janie and Craig Andrich’s trip to China to visit an
international school.
8. Prayers for the Bertels family.
9. Prayers Phil & Christine Reinetz who are expecting a baby soon.
10. Prayers that Jon Finch’s heart monitor test has good results.
11. Prayers for Adam, a 5
grader with cancer and David an autistic 5
II. Call to Order
a. The meeting was called to order at 7:25 by Carole Ryan
III. Nominating Team Discussion
A Nominating team process, documents and timeline were presented and discussed. (attached)
IV. Council Consent Agenda
a. Minutes of the September 25th council meeting were presented.
b. Report of baptisms, weddings, memorial services and Pastoral care for October/November
were presented. (attached)
c. Reaching Out Team requested that the Thanksgiving Eve offering be donated to the NALC
Disaster Relief for Hurricane Sandy.
d. Pastor Chris requested approval for the church office and campus to be closed between
Christmas Day and New Year’s Day specifically Wed. Dec. 26 through Fri. Dec. 28.
Motion Presented to approve the Consent Agenda in its entirety.
Motion was Approved

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