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Questions to Complete Your Essay
After the completion of your project hours, write an essay addressing the following questions. Don’t
divide your essay into sections; instead, write one essay that reads well from beginning to end, revised
for clarity and logical organization. This essay must be at least 500 words.
Format: Type; double-space; use Times or Times New Roman, size 12; and set one-inch margins. Title
your essay: Self-Evaluation. Place your essay in your portfolio in the appropriate section (refer to your
portfolio checklist).
After reading the prompts below, respond only to the appropriate questions that fit your unique
project. You do not have to follow the order of prompts as given.
[The first prompts focus on an objective evaluation of the project, especially challenges,
victories, and justification.]
Compare your project goals stated in your letter of intent to your final physical project results. What
were the difficulties, problems or even failures you experienced completing this project? How did you
solve those issues? What would you do differently if you were to do it again? What were the highlights,
triumphs, or successes you experienced completing this project? What was the most satisfying aspect
of your Culminating Project and why? How could this project benefit others? Why should future seniors
consider a similar project for their own choice?
[The second prompts focus on personal reflection about your learning and growth.]
More Prompts:
What did you learn about yourself as a result of completing this entire project? Explain how you grew
from your learning. Beyond the obvious, how will this Culminating Project experience benefit you in the
future? Could this project eventually lead you to employment opportunities or something equally
important? Did you learn something about working with others, about collaborating, communicating, or
possibly compromising? Explain.
Refer to your mentor’s final evaluation and note the employability skills on which you were rated. Give
specific examples of how you did or did not demonstrate these various job skills throughout your
project. If you received a letter of recommendation because of this project, comment on when and
where you demonstrated the traits mentioned. If you did an internship, comment on your supervisor’s
ratings and remarks on the Internship Evaluation. Do the same if you received any awards or
certificates because of this project; comment on specifically what you did that made you so deserving.

One finds limits by pushing them. | Herbert Simon