Modified September 2016
Relocation/Moving Procedures for New Employees
To provide guidelines and restrictions regarding those cases where relocation
costs are necessary for an individual to accept
employment with the University
and to reimburse the new employee for allowable relocati
with sound
business practices and budgetary limitations. This policy provides for
consistent compensation to employees for certain expenses of th
employment at Eastern Michigan University.
Eastern Michigan University may, at its discretion, pay for certain costs directly
related to relocation.
The Dean or equivalent administrative officer may approve payment for
relocation expenses which must be authorized in advance by inclusion in the
offer letter or employment contract. Additional approval from
Sponsored Research Accounting will be necessary if relocation is being funded
from a Sponsored Research P
roject. Employees eligible for relocation expenses
must be full time tenured track
faculty, full time administrators (Directors and
above), and
full time Coaches. Departments may reimburse the employee for
actual and substantiated moving expenses (qualified or non
qualified) not to
exceed one month’s salary.
General Procedure Statements
Relocation/Moving allowances must be negotiated at the time of offering a position
and included in offer letter or the individual’s contract.
2. Relocation/Moving allowan
ces are subject to the terms consistent with the provisions
outlined in this procedure.
This procedure applies to all moves regardless of the dollar amount or source of funds.
Any exception to this procedure must be approved in advance by the Chief Financial
4. The employee will agree to repay their Relocation/Moving expenses if emplo
with Eastern Michigan University is terminated with cause or resigned
of their relocation.
5. If the new employee chooses to move themselves,
then all expenses must be submitted
to Accounts Payable on an expense report. All original
itemized receipts must be
attached/imaged to the expense report to obtain reimbursement.
If the assistance of a moving company is needed to move personal and household
goods, it is recommended the new employee contact Purchasing for a list of EMU
preferred contracted vendors.
7. To request expense reimbursement,
All reimbursement requests must be submitted through the Concur travel and
expense system. All receipts must be imaged and attached to the expense