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The roadway continues to be built up with select ma-
terial being placed and compacted over the prepared
foundation created from the old road material.
Drainage work is set to begin next week with cul-
verts being removed and replaced and ditches being
reshaped to improve water flow.
Please use extra caution as you drive through the
project as the road surface will be much rougher and
gravel like. There will be no centerline but cones will
delineate the edges of the travelled way. We are
suggesting that speed be kept to 25 MPH.
The traffic lights will be back up as needed, and may
be in different areas within the project. Please be
watchful as they may be moved from day to day.
During working hours, 15 minute delays will be con-
tinuing with traffic being controlled by flaggers, and
travel through the narrow project is controlled with a
pilot car.
We appreciate your cooperation and patience as we
finish this project. We ask that you obey the traffic
control flaggers and signals at all times and strive to
respect your fellow motorists on all construction pro-
jects you encounter this season.
Thank You,
Pebble Beach Construction Staff
Highway 75 between mileposts 206.7 and 207.9 through “Pebble Beach”
Road Closure Information
August 3, 2017
Todd Butikofer, Project Manager
Federal Highway Administration
Phone: (208) 838-2618
FAX: (208) 238-2616
Mailing Address:
HC 67 Box 649
Clayton, Idaho 83227
Weekly Newsletter
Week of August 7, 2017
The road surface, two-way traffic, and
traffic light location may vary as you
travel through the project during non-
working hours. Flaggers and pilot car
will still control traffic during working
hours, 7am to 5:30 pm Monday thru Fri-
day. Delays may be up to 15 minutes.
Reconstruction ID PFH 26(3)
Contact Information:

Long–range planning works best in the short term. | Doug Evelyn