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Lesson Plan: WRL (age 14 – 16) – Health & Safety.
Lesson Overview
1. Connect the learning
Recap on any previous learning on health & safety and electricity in the home.
2. The big picture
The lesson explores why health & safety is important in home and at work.
3. The learning outcomes
By the end of the session students will have learnt:
How to ensure their own health & safety in the home.
The importance of applying health & safety in the workplace.
Resources required:
Computer with data projector and / or IWB.
Alternatively an OHP with OHT of the ‘Item’ worksheet.
Hard copies of the student sheet.
4. Introduction 15 minutes
Distribute copies of the Health and Safety student sheet. Ask the students to read the article
about the Roskilde festival, followed by the Health & safety Executive (HSE) list of issues.
Ask them to work in pairs and decide why each of the items on the list could be a health and
safety risk at a concert or event.
5. Activity 25 minutes
Explain to the students that every employer, organisation and business has to conduct a risk
assessment on their premises, or at a venue, to make sure that they are safe places for their
employees and the public to be. Explore how similar principles should apply when
considering their own health & safety in their own home. Working in pairs, ask the group to
conduct a quick risk assessment of the classroom or school building using the following
steps outlined by the HSE. Then ask the student to do a similar exercise for their bedroom at
home and compare.
Step 1: Identify the hazards.
Step 2: Decide who might be harmed and how.
Step 3: Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions.
Step 4: Record your findings and implement them.
Step 5: Review your assessment and update if necessary.
6. Demonstration 15 minutes
Using feedback from the class based upon their findings, compile a list of potential hazards
in school and at home and what precautions are being or could be taken to protect people
against them.
7. Review and preview
Ask the following questions: “What does health & safety mean?” &“Where should it be
implemented?”. Explain that all workplaces and public places need to have Health & Safety
risk assessments carried out to ensure they are safe and that the principles apply equally
in their own homes. You can find out more about electrical safety in the home and useful
links by going to .

The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same. – | Carlos Castaneda