School of Continuing Education
& Workforce Development
Short Term Certificate
Personal Fitness Training Certificate
Program Overview: The Personal Training Fitness Certificate program is designed to provide
theory-based training on building rapport, adherence, self-efficacy and behavioral change in
clients. The certificate program also increases knowledge of designing programs that help
clients to improve posture, movement, flexibility, balance, core function, cardiorespiratory
fitness, and muscular endurance and strength.
Introduction to Personal Training: This course is an overview of the field of personal
training including the history of exercise science, sub-disciplines of exercise science,
professional organizations, certifications and the future of the field.
Anatomy and Physiology: This course is an overview of the human body and its major
systems, with a focus on the musculoskeletal system.
Fitness Screening and Training: This course covers the fundamentals of conducting
health screenings and risk stratifications, as well as test such as body fat, cardiovascular
conditions, and flexibility.
Nutrition Fundamentals: This course covers the fundamentals of nutrition, including
macronutrients and micronutrients, and the fundamentals of how food is used by the
human body. Students will be able to identify healthy food sources for the various
nutrients and decipher reliable and unreliable nutritional information.
Exercise Prescription Proprioceptive and Special Population Training: This course
covers the principles of training clients for increased flexibility, balance, and
coordination. It covers modifications to standard training programs for youth and the
elderly as well as those with existing chronic or acute disease.
Cardio and Resistance Training: This course covers the principles of training clients for
increased cardiovascular function, strength endurance and hypertrophy. Students will
be able to design fitness programs with goals such as weight loss, hypertrophy, and
muscular endurance.