This checklist gives an indication of the security of your home. Every ‘no’ checked shows a weak point that
may help a burglar gain access to your home. To improve your security, attempt to eliminate the boxes
checked ‘no.’ Go through the list systematically. Remember this checklist only points out your weak areas.
Complying with these guidelines will not make your home burglar proof, but it will improve your protection.
1. Is the door made of metal or solid wood construction? [ ] [ ]
2. Is the doorframe strong enough and tight enough to prevent forcing or spreading? [ ] [ ]
3. Are the door hinges protected from removal from the outside? [ ] [ ]
4. Check ‘no’ if there are windows in the door or within 40 inches of the locks? [ ] [ ]
5. Is the door secured by a deadbolt lock with a minimum 1-inch throw? [ ] [ ]
6. Are the strike and strike plates adequate and properly installed with 3-inch screws? [ ] [ ]
7. If there are no windows in the door, is there a wide-angle viewer or voice intercom device? [ ] [ ]
8. Check ‘no’ if the lock mechanism can be reached through a mail slot or pet entrance at doorway? [ ] [ ]
9. Is there a screen or storm door with an adequate lock? [ ] [ ]
10. Is the exterior or front entrance lighted with at least a 40-watt light? [ ] [ ]
11. Can the front entrance be observed from street or public areas? [ ] [ ]
12. Check ‘no’ if the porch/landscaping blocks the view from the street or public areas? [ ] [ ]
13. Is the door itself made of metal or solid wood construction? [ ] [ ]
14. Is the doorframe strong enough and tight enough to prevent forcing or spreading? [ ] [ ]
15. Are the door hinges protected from removal from the outside? [ ] [ ]
16. Check ‘no’ if there are windows in the door or within 40 inches of the locks? [ ] [ ]
17. Is the door secured by a deadbolt lock with a minimum 1-inch throw? [ ] [ ]
18. Are strikes and strike plates adequate and properly installed with 3-inch screws? [ ] [ ]
19. Check ‘no’ if the locking mechanism can be reached from a mail port or pet entrance? [ ] [ ]
20. Is the exterior of the doorway lighted by at least a 40-watt bulb? [ ] [ ]
21. Check ‘no’ if the doorway is concealed from the street or neighbors view? [ ] [ ]
22. Does the doorway have a screen or storm door with an adequate lock? [ ] [ ]
23. If the door is sliding glass door, is the sliding panel secured from being lifted out of the track? [ ] [ ]
24. Is a "charley-bar" or key-operated lock used on sliding glass door? [ ] [ ]