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BK Kids’ Meal
Lowest-calorie option
Substituted item
calories (kcal)
4-piece chicken nuggets
with sweet and sour
dipping sauce
6-piece chicken
nuggets with ranch
dipping sauce
Apple slices 30 Fries +210
Plain milk 90
NESTEA southern
style iced tea
Total calories: 355 Total calories: 355+ 440 = 795
Counting Calories in Kids’ Meals
Making Informed Decisions
With so many options available, selecting the healthiest fast food kids’
meal can be difficult. Based on our research findings, listed below are the
most nutritious options available at each restaurant and how substitutions
in the meal affect calories. Use this as a reference guide to make informed
decisions for your kids the next time you choose to dine out!
Recommended calorie limits per meal
Preschoolers (2-5 years) 410 calories
Elementary-age children (6-11 years) 650 calories

Early to bed and early to rise probably indicates unskilled labor. | John Ciardi