Nanny Application for Employment
Name: Date:
Home address: City Zip Code
Phone: home work cell
Preferred areas for employment:
Are you eligible to work in the U.S.? How were you referred to Babies to Boomers?
Days/ Hours Available: Do you have an insured, reliable vehicle?
In case of emergency, please contact: Phone: Relationship to you:
High School:
Trade School:
Other Courses:
Have you had CPR? Expiration date: 1st aid? Expiration date:
Have you taken Child Development courses?
Have you taken any Education classes? Home Economics classes?
E-mail address:
Dates Institution City State Last Grade Completed Area of Study
Type of position you are seeking (check as many as apply):
Permanent Full-time Days Weekends 24 Hour/Overnight
Temporary Part-time Evenings Live-in Work around school schedule
PERMANENT CHILD CARE EXPERIENCE: Please list jobs of 3 months or more, i.e. nanny, day care, teaching, etc.
Dates Employer & Supervisor Address Home/Office Phone # of Children/Ages
Reason for leaving: Gross Salary:
Reason for leaving: Gross Salary:
Reason for leaving: Gross Salary:
Reason for leaving: Gross Salary:
Attention: Prior to filling out a form, please contact Babies to Boomers at 802-540-0433 to request special instructions
on the form submission process. We want to ensure that your form reaches us, and are happy to help with the process!