HTML Preview Monthly School Newsletter page number 1.

265 Baker Street
Berea, Ohio 44017
February 2016 Mr. Andrew Carner
School News Principal
A Note from the Principal
As I write this Newsletter, we are making final preparations for Catholic Schools’
Week. We hope your family will attend the exciting events planned throughout the week.
The annual Ice Cream Social and Family Dance will be held on Friday, January 29
from 6:30 to 8:00pm. This is always a FUN evening with lots of ice cream and dancing to
the DJ. A special thank you to the PTO for their tireless work in preparing for the annual
Open House to be held on Sunday, January 31
, from 12:30 to 3:00pm. In addition, we
would like to give a big thank you to the parents and Junior High students who have
volunteered to talk with our visitors about academics, extra curricular clubs, and the many
activities SMS offers. The students will participate in a Prayer Service on Monday, February
at 10:00am and students may dress in SMS Spirit wear or the school uniform; the
“Breakfast with Parents” is scheduled for Tuesday, February 2
from 7:00 to 8:30am; and
the Preschool Art Show and Concert is ready to go on Wednesday evening, February 3
7:00pm. In addition, some of our students will participate in the SMS Annual ‘Spelling Bee”
on Tuesday afternoon to see who will qualify to represent SMS in Washington D.C. There
will also be a special surprise for the students on Wednesday afternoon. The final event will
be an all school Mass on Thursday, February 4
, at 1:50pm. All of these events are
specifically planned to allow our teachers, students, and parents to spend time together as a
community. This is always a busy and enjoyable week and I invite you to join us.
Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on February 2nd and 4th, from 4:00 to
6:30pm. These conferences are not mandatory and will only be scheduled at the teacher or
parent request for students having difficulty in a subject. A form was included with your
child’s 2
Quarter Report Card that will be sent home on January 29
. Parents are asked to
complete this form and return it the next day. My office will prepare a schedule and notify
parents of their conference time.
Hopefully you have received your Re-Registration packet for the 2016-2017 School
Year. The FACTS payment plan will again offer an 11-month payment plan with the first
installment due in July. The registration fee remains at $250 PER FAMILY Kindergarten
through Gr. 8. This fee must be paid at the time of registration and is non-refundable.
Also, the Preschool registration fee will remain $100 PER FAMILY and is also due at
the time of registration. Fr. John will continue to require that parishioners contribute to the
church on a weekly basis and to donate to the school by using the blue envelope that is
included with your monthly church mailing. Please complete the re-registration forms and
return along with fees to the school office no later than FEBRUARY 29

A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. | David Brinkley