Assigned: Fri. 4/29 Peer Review: Fri. 5/6 Revised Docs Fri. 5/11
Assignment 9: Progress Report Memo
As you know from our previous readings and discussions, a Memo is an internal document meant for circulation to
many readers, designed as both a persuasive and informative document. You send memos within your corporation,
department, among your staff, etc., but usually not to outsiders.
So far, you
ve made significant progress in your Usability Proposal project and your supervisor wants an official
Progress Report to document the work you’ve already completed, the work that still needs to be completed,
and just how you’re doing on the project in general.
This memo is a formal and official document, and will be kept on file as many memos are. Here’s the
information you need to include in the Memo:
What work has been completed to date?
How was this work divided among your group members?
What is your assessment of the work completed?
How does the work completed successfully fulfill its purpose(s)?
What changes/improvements/revisions, do you plan to make to the work already completed?
What work still needs to be completed?
What about the client feedback based on meeting minutes (Assn. 8)?
How will this work be divided between your group members?
What supplies or materials do you still need to complete your project?
What is your projected timeline for the completion of the project?
Whatever else you feel should be recorded in the Progress Report
Consider your purpose: What is the overall message you want to send your supervisor? Your project is going
along fine. How do you convey this message? Rather than simply saying
things are great”
and expecting her
to believe this, you need to present evidence for the claim that your project is going well.
Also, consider this rhetorical move: You can convince your supervisor that you
re doing well by demonstrating
your ability to critique your own work. Though it may sound counter-intuitive, but describing your difficulties,
mistakes, and what you will revise from your already completed work will actually help enhance your ethos and
make your group more credible as a working unit. While it may sound dangerous, this kind of rhetorical move will
show that your group and that you can be both critical and honest about what’s not going well. This assignment
will be graded on how well balanced your writing is in terms of describing both positive and not-so-positive
aspects of your progress and how well your ethos is constructed.
Assn. 9 Progress Report
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6
Brandy Andrew Belen Alexandra D'mere Debanair
Catherine Christopher Mayra Desiree Jose Jay
Elicena Diana Roxana Joel Luis G Jeff
Justin Luis P Yekaterina Lidia Priscila
Memo Length: 850-900 words plus Rhetorical Analysis 150+ words