Reward charts
Here s n exmle o rewrd chrt tht cn be used to encoure our chld to become more
ndeendent n don tsks round the house t m be nce de to co nd lmnte the chrt Tht
w ou cn use whte bord mrker to drw smle ce ech tme tsk s comleted – the chrt
cn then be re-used ech week You m wsh to ve smll rewrd t the end o the week certn
number o smle ces re obtned Rewrds should be smll nd nexensve or exmle stckers
sweets or smll tos t should be more bout our rse o our chlds eorts thn the ctul rewrd
A derent te o rewrd chrt could be lon worm or snke wth blocks or stckers strs or smle
ces ou choose to use ths te o rewrd chrt ou cn nclude ber rewrd once the whole
snke s comleted (mbe 30 blocks) Ths w ou cn decde when to ve stcker or smle ce or
tsk tht hs been comleted t s better to mke the rewrd ult tme wth our chld thn to bu
exensve ts Exmles nclude vst to her vourte rk mlkshke t resturnt tme out to
do crt or bkn ctvt toether o to see move or hve weekend cnc
There re some un des or derent chrts on wwwrewrdchrtskdscom See the un nd colourul
Smrt-Kds str chrts on wwwsmrt-kdscoz
Reward chart
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
your bed
your teeth
pick up
your toys
set the
feed the dog