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Reward charts
Here s n exmle o  rewrd chrt tht cn be used to encoure our chld to become more
ndeendent n don tsks round the house t m be  nce de to co nd lmnte the chrt Tht
w ou cn use  whte bord mrker to drw  smle ce ech tme  tsk s comleted – the chrt
cn then be re-used ech week You m wsh to ve  smll rewrd t the end o the week   certn
number o smle ces re obtned Rewrds should be smll nd nexensve or exmle stckers
sweets or smll tos t should be more bout our rse o our chlds eorts thn the ctul rewrd
A derent te o rewrd chrt could be  lon worm or snke wth blocks or stckers strs or smle
ces  ou choose to use ths te o rewrd chrt ou cn nclude  ber rewrd once the whole
snke s comleted (mbe 30 blocks) Ths w ou cn decde when to ve  stcker or smle ce or
 tsk tht hs been comleted t s better to mke the rewrd ult tme wth our chld thn to bu
exensve ts Exmles nclude  vst to her vourte rk  mlkshke t  resturnt tme out to
do  crt or bkn ctvt toether o to see  move or hve  weekend cnc
There re some un des or derent chrts on wwwrewrdchrtskdscom See the un nd colourul
Smrt-Kds str chrts on wwwsmrt-kdscoz
Reward chart
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
your bed
your teeth
pick up
your toys
set the
feed the dog

The man who will use his skill and constructive imagination to see how much he can give for a dollar, instead of how little he can give for a dollar, is bound to succeed. | Henry Ford