Transfer Form
Guidance for applicants and their supporters
Requirements for Membership of the IET with designatory letters MIET or TMIET
Applicants who have engineering qualifications, or are working in an
engineering environment, may be eligible to become Members of the
IET with entitlement to use the designatory letters TMIET or MIET after
their name. To be awarded designatory letters they must satisfy the
Institution that they:
(a) have achieved an acceptable standard of knowledge and
understanding gained through education and/or experience;
(b) are professionally engaged in one of the many engineering or
technology fields within the scope of the Institution;
In addition, applicants must supply details of someone who will support
their application.
The assessment process
An assessment is made by a specially trained member of staff. In order
to award MIET, the IET is looking for evidence of work at graduate level
that clearly shows the applicant has the detailed knowledge and
understanding, equivalent to that of a graduate, of the fundamental
engineering principles that underpin their work. For TMIET, the IET is
looking for sufficient work experience and responsibilities as a
technician to have enabled the applicant to develop the knowledge
equivalent to a formal technical qualification.
The qualifications which are deemed as sufficient evidence that an
applicant has achieved an acceptable standard of knowledge and
understanding for MIET and TMIET are shown overleaf. Applicants with
qualifications from outside the UK are welcome. Their qualifications will
be benchmarked against UK qualifications using the UK national
database for accredited qualifications (NARIC). NARIC is the UK
agency responsible for providing information and expert opinion on
vocational, academic and professional skills and qualifications from
around the world. If applicants do not have one of the specific
qualifications mentioned then, for either MIET or TMIET, they need to
provide a copy of their CV which clearly details their present
employment position, previous employment positions, roles and
responsibilities together with any other qualifications that are relevant
to the interests of the IET. Please note that the IET reserves the right to
request a detailed CV from any applicant.
The role of the supporter is to confirm, from their personal knowledge,
that the applicant has the appropriate knowledge and understanding,
as detailed overleaf, and is a suitable candidate to use the IET’s
designatory letters after their name. A supporter can be the applicant’s
employer, a member of the IET, or someone else who knows the
applicant in a work capacity. If a supporter is not entitled to use the
designatory letters FIET, MIET or TMIET, the IET will write to them to
ask them to verify that they understand the requirements and fully
support the application. The IET reserves the right to contact any
supporter. It is not IET Policy to disclose comments made by
supporters. Applicants for MIET/TMIET are recommended to discuss
their application with their supporter prior to submission. An application
will be progressed once the supporter’s response is received.
If an applicant was formerly a student member of the IET, or one of its
founding institutions IEE or IIE, and their membership has been
continuous since they completed their studies, then they do not need a
supporter. However they do need to send copies of their certificates to
show that they have completed their qualifications. The IET reserves the
right to request supporters for any application for TMIET or MIET.