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IB#Music#Wo rk sho p #
9:30 to 9:45a.m – Introduction of Teachers, Background
9:45 to 10:30a.m. – Structure of IB Music Program
Syllabi, coursework, HL vs. SL
10:30 to 11:30 – Music Links Investigaton
Choosing topics, timeline, compare/contrast pieces
11:30 to 11:45 - BREAK
11:45 – 1:00 – New Prescribed Works
Prokofiev, Xian
1:00 – 1:30 – Additional topics, questions
Solo vs. Group performances, recitals, creation (composition)
Structure – possibility of when to do world music, some opt for starting with world music and
having students investigate different cultures and present in oral presentation
When to do prescribed works – middle of year or at end? Most choose end to keep it fresh in
students’ minds for the test.
Music Links Investigation – presented by Mary Jo West
Choosing topics – make sure students look closely at IB guidelines, must be two distinct
cultures, not influenced by the other. After choosing topic, be sure to investigate the links
thoroughly – that’s what IB examiners are looking for. Links are things such as melody,
harmony, rhythm, etc. Find links that are similar and identify where they occur in each
selection. Identify what is different about how the links are used.
Prokofiev – discussed some similarities with Mozart 41, Areas to take note of – keys and
modulations – unlike Classical pd., extreme ranges of instruments
Xian – listened to each movement and discussed some of the features, important to learn about
background of piece and the different composers that contributed to the work. Originally a
cantata, now a piano concerto.
Similarities between the two prescribed works – written in late 18
cent. Style, ostinato figures
used, strange modulations, form of two works

If you would like to know the value of money, try to borrow some. | Benjamin Franklin