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AnnMarie Fitzsimmons
165 Kentucky Way, Freehold, NJ 07728
732-845-0272 or amease[email protected]
Artist Statement /Short Bio
I have been interested in art & artists my entire life. I began painting as a very young girl. I
began painting images of chairs thirty years ago. The chairs are usually very specific chairs, with
names such as Windsor, Wassily or Stickley. I am fascinated by many different types of chair
designs; however, I am more interested in what a chair does to someone’s personality, even for
a short time. For example, an individual will “act” very proper while sitting in a Queen Ann style
chair and, in contrast, they will “act” very informal while sitting on an inexpensive metal folding
chair, especially if it has some dings, dents and perhaps paint spattered on it. People are
seldom present in my paintings. And, after careful planning and positioning I decide on a
composition. How my lines and objects interrelate on the picture plane is just as essential as
the subject I am depicting. My images are quiet glimpses into three-dimensional spaces that
are meticulously arranged. I invite my viewers to look in.
I graduated with honors and received my Bachelor of Arts degree in Fine Art from Montclair
State University. I regularly exhibit my art in juried shows throughout the NY, NJ & CT area. I
am currently teaching painting and drawing classes to children, teens and adults at the Around
the Corner Art Center in Freehold, NJ.

A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts. | Richard Branson