HTML Preview Cash Flow Projection Chart page number 1.

Fast Tools & Resources
Cash Flow
The Quick Cash
Flow Projections
tool assists farm
operators in
projecting cash
needs, farm
profitability, and
debt servicing
capabilities. The
program also aids
users in performing
sensitivity analysis.
This tool generates a quarterly cash flow projection
for the upcoming crop year and allows the user to
perform sensitivity analysis on assumptions made in
expense and revenue estimates. The program is
designed for farm data to be entered in a streamlined,
step-by-step process.
The user chooses the level of detail to include in the
model to generate cash flow projections. Revenue
and expense items for the upcoming year can be
estimated from the previous year’s actual data, based
on University of Illinois projected crop budgets, or
entered directly by the user. This program description
documents all input sections of the tool. However,
this does not mean that each data-entry screen must
be completed depending on how the user wants to
project cash flows.
Data entry begins with the below Setup Screen. This
page asks for selected user information.
The default parameters allow the user to incorporate
crop budgets from the Illinois Farm Business Farm
Management (FBFM) Association. Selecting an
Illinois region in the Cost Budget input enters the
default budget for that region. The user can begin the
analysis with this budget data and make changes
based on cost and revenue projections specific to the
farm operation.

If you work just for money, you’ll never make it, but if you love what you’re doing and you always put the customer first, success will be yours. | Ray Kroc