HTML Preview Audit Entry Meeting Agenda page number 1.

Mpumalanga Department of Finance
Internal Audit
Entry Meeting
1 Agenda
Internal Audit
Entry Meeting Agenda
Matters for discussion
Welcome and introductions
[Auditee and I/A]
Internal Audit role in the Department
- Difference between Internal Audit and External
Audit (Auditor-General)
- Benefits of working with Internal Audit
Approach for the project
- Planned project scope as per approved Internal
Audit Plan
- Overview of Internal Audit review process
- Timing issues
Key contacts / process owners for relevant project
- Confirmation of Addressee for report
- Identification of process owners
- Persons to whose attention Management Letters
must be addressed
Availability of staff and records
[Auditee and I/A]
Significant changes in operations during the last 12
- Changed processes
- Changes in key personnel
Key risks, relevant to the planned project scope, identified
by the Auditee.
Additional expectations or concerns that management
may have about the review
Other matters

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