• Each suggestion should state a specific problem, define or describe its cause and propose definite solution. It should also
include the benefits to the Company, the cost to implement versus the savings and when the savings will be realized.
• Discussion of your suggestion with your Supervisor is encouraged.
• Use additional sheets for drawings, pictures, and/or cost analysis.
• If more than one person is responsible for the suggestion, each must sign this form.
• See the end of this form for Ineligible Suggestions.
• Submit your Suggestion to: Suggestion Committee, ILN-9C/Administration, Mail Stop 2061-E.
Full Name: __________________________________________Employee #: _______________________________
Station Location: ________ Dept: _________________ Phone #: __________________Mail Code: _____________
Position Title: ______________________________ Supervisors Name: ___________________________________
SUGGESTION TOPIC: _________________________________________________________________________
I Believe This Suggestion Will: (check all that apply)
Improve Productivity/Quality Improve Safety Improve Equipment
Improve Methods/Procedures Save Cost Substitution of Mat. For Improvement
Other (explain) _____________________________________________________________________________
Description of Problem: ________________________________________________________________________
(Attach additional pages if necessary to provide a full detailed explanation)
Description of Proposed Solution: _______________________________________________________________
(Attach examples, photos, etc., as needed to explain)
Detail of Cost/Benefits: _________________________________________________________________________
(Attach additional analysis, reference material, etc., as needed to explain)
In consideration for the Suggestion Committee’s approval of my suggestion and tender of an award to me in accordance with the
Employee Suggestion Program, I agree to assign all my rights, title and interest in and to my suggestion to ABX, and execute all
documents and do all that is necessary to assist ABX, at its expense, in obtaining protection therefore including patent,
trademark, copyright, mask work and trade secret protection or other form of protection throughout the world.
Employee Signature:__________________________________________ Date: ________________