Scheduled Payment Transfer Letter
Current Account Number
Customer Name Date
To Whom It May Concern:
This letter is to authorize you to redirect my scheduled payment for the above account number to my new Wells Fargo
business account as instructed below. Attached you will find a voided check from my new Wells Fargo business checking
account. (No need to attach documents for a new savings or debit card account.)
Account type: ❑ Checking ❑ Debit Card ❑ Savings
Eective: ❑ Immediately ❑ Beginning
My new Wells Fargo account information:
New Bank Account Number
New Bank Routing Number
New Business Debit Card Number and expiration date from the card you received in the mail. (Some merchants may require the CVV code — 3 digit code printed on
the back of the card — to set up payment.)
If you have questions about this request, please contact me at:
Phone number
Authorized Signature Co-Signer Signature (if applicable)
Printed Name Co-Signer Printed Name (if applicable)
Title Title
Date Date
Street Address
City State Zip