Two countries, one goal, joint success!
Invitation letter for Kick-off meeting
Higher Education for Social Cohesion – Cooperative Research and Development –
in a Cross boarder area
HURO/0901/253/2.2.2. HERD
Dear Group leaders,
I invite you to participate in the kick-off meeting of the HERD project. The project meeting
will be held at the University of Debrecen (DAB Debrecen Thomas Mann street 49)
Date of the kick-off meeting: 29. June 2011.
The objective of this meeting is to clarify and work out the detailed plan of the research
groups. Participants will engage in interactive discussions of their activities and priorities for
advancing methods and main research questions of the project. I hope that the output of this
workshop will serve as a basis for the cooperation of the future research. Participants are
requested to work out plans to initiate discussion about the topics of the research groups.
I hope that you will be able to participate in this occasion. In case you have questions
according to the programme do not hesitate to contact my colleges Németh Nóra Veronika
/project manager/ (nemethnora24@gmail.com tel.: +36/20-450-52-12) and / or Ceglédi
Tímea /research assistant/ (cegledi.timea@cherd.unideb.hu tel.: +36/70-396-82-61).
Yours sincerely,
Kozma Tamás, Prof. Em.
Research leader